Save The Trees!

Welcome to our website! We are three Year 6 Students of Sunnyhills Primary School in Auckland New Zealand! Our website is all about saving the enviroment via plants and trees. Here you will find how to make your own veggie garden and how to plant pot plants and trees and how to look after them properly. We also will have links to blogs and  Glogst ers from people of our class or just any on the internet we pass by! SDFj.           .              ee  

Its True - Trees Save Lives

Its True - Trees Save Lives

19/03/2013 14:42

Thats right trees save lives! They are the ones who produce the oxygen that we breath. Did you know that trees breath in Co2 (carbon dioxide) and out oxygen! Co2 is 1 of the 4 main greenhouse gasses (the other 4 are methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases) creating the 'green house' effect on the earth which is creating global warming and pollution! So we need to plant lots of trees and make sure that you buy toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, napkins, cardboard, paper ect, that says sustainable forest on them which makes sure that when they cut down trees they plant new ones so that there are new trees for when they need to cut down more.

How To Stop Enviromental Pollution

  • Instead of driving, walk, bike, take public transport, or carpool.
  • Don't smoke. Smokers are polluting the air.
  • Turn off lights when you leave the room. The power station puts pollution in the air.
  • Same goes with heating/AC. They use power, which is usually made in ways that form air or water pollution. Put on warm clothes instead. Or take them off.
  • Installing electronic air cleaners in houses (costs about $500 - $700).
  • Adding plants and trees to the surrounding environment

 Enviromental Pollution

A Cool Video

A Cool Video

15/04/2013 14:30 Try watch this video all about saving trees! This is another cool video about recycling

The Cow Means...

How Do Cows Affect Global Warming?

22/03/2013 14:16

How Do Cows Relate To Global Warming?

The cow relates to pollution to. Cows fart methane gas and creates pollution to. You may not want to feed cows any baked beans or he will produce more methane gas. Methane gas is a 1 of many greenhouse gasses and is highly explosive. Allthough you may think cows can't affect global warming- think again. Remember that and don't feed cows baked beans!